An Apple A Day Could Help Keep Bad Bacteria At Bay

[ad_1] “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” So the old wives tail claimed, and it has gained such widespread popularity that it is generally accepted as common wisdom. Adapted from the original welsh proverb popular some 100 years earlier “Eat an apple on going to bed and you’ll keep the doctor from earning… Continue reading An Apple A Day Could Help Keep Bad Bacteria At Bay

The Human Microbiome

[ad_1] The human microbiome is one of the most fascinating and important subjects of scientific research today. Neat freaks, stop reading now. The microbiome is made up of trillions of microbes, living organisms like bacteria and fungi, which coexist in and on our bodies. Many people cringe at the thought of being covered head-to-toe in… Continue reading The Human Microbiome

Western diet harms immune system – increasing risk of food poisoning & infection

[ad_1] In a recent study, researchers at APC Microbiome, University College Cork. found that the western diet reduces the bodies natural ability to fight infections –making it more susceptible to food borne pathogens and incidences of food poisoning. The western diet – typically characterized by a high intake of red meat, refined sugars and saturated… Continue reading Western diet harms immune system – increasing risk of food poisoning & infection

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