Natural Painkillers Hack Safer Than Popular Aspirin

natural pain relief

Natural Painkillers are Forgotten

There is no doubt that millions of people are suffering from chronic pain, and they are not finding lasting solutions to it. In desperation they get over the counter quick fixes such as Aspirin, Tylenol, or other painkillers. Therefore, the next step if that does not work is to go to the doctor and get a prescription for painkillers such as fentanyl or other opioids painkillers. Many of them have serious side effects such as addiction or even death. Then if they don’t work some people will take the next step and try street drugs to overcome the pain, but it is usually downhill from there.

The stronger the painkillers the better, right? Wrong! While natural painkillers are forgotten or overlooked as people go for pharmacy’s pain killers despite the risks. Does a natural painkiller exist that is safer than aspirin for pain? Sure they do and natural painkillers offer a valuable alternative solution for pain relief without all the health risks.

Have you ever heard of — or taken — hydrocodone?

Or oxycodone?

Or fentanyl?

These are the synthetic pain pills behind the world’s opioid crisis, the prescription drug disaster you are hearing about on 60 Minutes… and reading about in every newspaper in the United States. Plus, it is all over the internet.

The big problem with them is that they are highly addictive, and many people have taken accidental overdoses of opioids and died. The opioids overdose is claiming 1 in 67 lives. In short, this is a silent epidemic, and these opioids painkillers are not safe at all.

Opioid Crises and What Are Opioids?

In case you have not heard of it, opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant and that work in the brain to produce a variety of effects, including the relief of pain with many of these drugs. Opioids can be prescription medications that we need to get from the doctor and are often referred to as painkillers, or they can be the so-called street drugs, such as heroin. The most used opioids are:

  • prescription opioids, such as OxyContin and Vicodin
  • fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50–100 times more potent than morphine
  • heroin, an illegal drug

The new data documents that estimated overdose deaths from opioids increased to 75,673 in the 12-month period ending in April 2021. The overdose deaths by opioids are up from 56,064 the year before and could reach 100,000 deaths in 2022. These numbers are rapidly increasing which is a frightening fact about opioids.

More than 760,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose just in the US alone according to the CDC. However, opioids are a worldwide problem that is taking human lives everywhere. That said, think carefully before starting to take opioids because they are very addictive and deadly. Plus, many street drugs are now laced with fentanyl making them even more deadly. Therefore, investigate safer alternatives instead.

And it is not just opioids.

Popular over-the-counter options like Tylenol and Advil have serious side effects if you take them consistently. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, even common pain relievers are causing heart attacks if they are taken regularly. Meaning, they might not be as safe as we were told after all.

Be aware if a scarcity of medicine develops from all the chaos going on in our world today. Did you know that China, and India control 80% of raw ingredients for all medicines? The fact is, if the supply of those raw ingredients stops, everything from Aspirin, Ibuprofen to chemotherapy goes away. If you are dependent on those meds start looking into natural alternatives so you will have something else to replace it. You will be better off switching to that in the long run anyway because they have fewer side effects.

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Big Pharma Has Pharmaceuticals Derived from Venom

….and they can claim them as “naturally occurring,” because they are. Yet, this label can be misleading since people equate the word “natural” with “healthy” or “safe.” Of course, Big Pharma takes full advantage of that. These approved drugs are slow killing poisons!

… Click Here to read about Pharmaceuticals Derived from Venom

The Big Hunt for Painkillers

With so many people suffering with chronic pain like back pain, neck pain, migraine, headache, stomachache, arthritis and so on just to name a few. The need is real and urgent for a reliable pain relief.

It is well known that ever since the 1930s, natural doctors have been on a quest to find the “Holy Grail” of pain relief…

No doubt that chronic pain pulls you off the playing field and drops you on the sidelines like a helpless cripple…

And if you are reading this today, I know you have your own personal story of feeling sidelined by chronic pain…

How many times have you felt guilty telling people “no” you cannot go out because you are having a bad pain day?

How many times have you felt powerless because you cannot tie your shoes, open a jar, or even button a shirt without searing pain?

Losing your chance to contribute and lead a productive life can feel like a fate worse than death… trust me, I know… I have been there, too!

It is no wonder so many chronic pain sufferers fall prey to depression and suicide…

And here is the real kicker: Mainstream Medicine’s so-called “solution” to chronic pain just does not work.

In fact, it is destroying lives and families all over the world.

As we all know, Big Pharma is a Trillion-dollar pain pill empire that does not want you to know that there is anything better out there than what they have to offer, and they advertise it very heavily. Only bad things need to be advertised. They promise endless quick fixes with their deadly drug cocktails that do not work. Yet, people believe them all the time. The truth is that mother nature already has natural painkillers available that are not addictive, they are much safer and cheaper than pharmaceutical painkillers. For instance, Feverfew plant leaves and extracts are used in medicine for pain and other conditions just to name a few.

Of course, I’m talking about a remedy that blesses you with the pain-killing rush of opioid drugs like morphine… but without the horrible risk of addiction or overdose that can be fatal.

What if there are powerful, natural painkillers… that works with your body’s natural mechanisms to renew your achy joints from the inside out.

And in fact, they are so effective at stopping pain… Even some mainstream doctors are now saying they might be better than morphine — but safer than aspirin.

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Better Natural Painkillers than Morphine, but Safer Than Aspirin?

There are many natural plants that can help with arthritis, inflammation, and other pains. These are great natural painkillers found in mother nature that fight pain quite well.

Research shows that enzymes work throughout your entire body to help it break down and eliminate the excess proteins that accumulate at the scene of an injury, irritation or burn. This heals wound healing, supports healthy circulation, and helps maintain a normal immune response. Moreover, enzymes are proven to boost your immune system and help your body eliminate viruses and bacteria from your body. Enzymes reduce inflammation

Inflammation is the troublemaker that leads to pain. When you wipe out inflammation, you wipe out your pain, chronic inflammation is the root cause of ALL disease — including joint pain. The following pain-killing enzymes plants are known to be helpful in to relieving pain:

Bromelain, this special natural compound, which is extracted from pineapple, contains several proteolytic enzymes that promote healthy levels of biochemicals responsible for pain activation. Bromelain has inflammation-fighting enzymes. It has been studied extensively since its discovery in 1957 and is shown to support a healthy immune response and promote the removal of damaged tissue from the body. If fresh pineapple is not available, then the other option is to take Bromelain supplement which is can be found in health food stores.

Papain supports a healthy immune system and contains a wide range of proteolytic enzymes from papaya that break down proteins. Papain has inflammation-fighting enzymes. In studies it has been shown to promote the healing of damaged tissue and help support a healthy digestive tract. If you cannot find fresh papaya then the other option is to take Papain supplement which is available in health food stores.

Turmeric Extract This yellow extract is taken from the dried root of the plant, and it has been used to treat a wide range of ailments for thousands of years in Asia. Research finds that Turmeric may be safer and more precise than other options when it comes to maintaining healthy levels of COX-2 and 5-LOX enzymes associated with pain. In addition, Turmeric’s antioxidant superpowers work to support your body’s ability to defend itself from damaging free radicals and inflammation.

Boswellia Extract, one of the most widely used herbs in Indian medicine, it has been used for centuries by traditional Indian healers as a natural “cure-all” for any number of ailments. Boswellia is a naturally powerful and safe antioxidant that helps moderate levels of irritating substances in the body.

Rutin (quercetin), found naturally in a variety of plants and fruits such as cilantro, dill, watercress, radicchio, Lovage leaves, capers, Elderberry juice, Radish leaves, Juniper berries and banana peppers. This flavonoid has been shown to support the body’s natural response to inflammation due to its powerful antioxidant activity.

Mojave Yucca Root, Yucca root is rich with nutrients and antioxidants which are beneficial in helping the body reduce inflammatory toxins.

Ginger Extract has been used for over 2,500 years in Asia. Ginger has been used to treat nausea and to ease irritated joints. It works by helping balance the production of prostaglandins, the substance in your body that sends messages of pain to the brain. Ginger essential oil works wonders for toothache. Ginger is a big inflammation fighter. Ginger can be added to cooking or drinks such as tea to name a few.

Devil’s Claw, another time-tested natural pain defender, Devil’s Claw has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years in Africa. It supports healthy COX-2 activity and there is evidence that Devil’s Claw can help improve joint discomfort.

Citrus Bioflavonoids, citrus bioflavonoids that come from citrus crops such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes. Bioflavonoids is the white part of citrus fruits just below the peel. They support healthy cartilage, the main connective tissue in the body that keeps your joints moving smoothly and freely.

 Alpha Lipoic Acid an important antioxidant supplement for protecting our health naturally. The anti-inflammatory properties of alpha lipoic acid to protect bone cells and cartilage are impressive. It can also reduce the inflammation related to osteoarthritis. It may benefit patients with arthritis, chronic pain, reduce nerve pain at cellular level, may help protect against damage to knee cartilage caused by osteoarthritis and has helped reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Alpha Lipoic Acid other benefits include the following: it may help maintain bone mass, help protect bones against radiation, reduced blood pressure, help in the treatment of glaucoma, help in liver regeneration, help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics and balancing blood sugar in people without diabetes. It protects from oxidative stress, acts as a protector of the brain or neurons, improves skin texture and wrinkles, extends the capabilities of other vitamin antioxidants, protects from oxidative stress caused by smoking, neutralizes heavy metals, beneficial for weight loss and helps slow the aging process.

Cloves whole cloves are often used to spice up meals. Ground cloves are used in pies, cakes, cookies, and many other foods. Cloves are also widely used as a natural pain reliever due to their content of eugenol, a natural pain reliever that is also used in some OTC pain rubs. Cloves can be found in capsule or powder form. Clove oil is also available and can be applied topically to reduce pain. Clove is often used to treat a wide range of conditions, such as: nausea, colds, headaches, toothaches, indigestion, diarrhea, and arthritic inflammation.

Cayenne Pepper benefits include several types of natural pain relief. This powerful pepper helps alleviate post-operative pain, including pain relief after a mastectomy or amputation. Scientists found it’s active against 16 different fungal strains, including Candida, a common internal infection linked to joint pain, among other candida symptoms. Cayenne also provides external pain relieve. Capsaicin, an important natural painkiller found in cayenne, helps treat muscle soreness, tension and even skin infections. Capsaicin is also present in Chili peppers.

Wild Lettuce is the scientific term for it. Many people have used it in place of addictive prescription pain medication. It is a tall, leafy plant with small yellow buds, and it might be growing in your backyard! It is commonly found in North America and England. It is a cousin to the lettuce we typically see in our salads, and it is also referred to as bitter lettuce or opium lettuce. The reason it may be referred to as opium lettuce is because of its pain relieving, and sedative effects are produced through a white substance that is found in the stem and leaves.

Back in the 19th century, wild lettuce was used as a substitute to opium. It began to become popular again in the 70s when people were looking for a real natural remedy to pain. In fact, people were beginning to use it for both relief and for recreational purposes. In the earlier days, people used wild lettuce by preparing it a few different ways. People used to cook the plant in a pan of water and sugar mix, until it reduced to a thick syrup-like consistency. This form of preparation is very bitter, even with sugar added. The most common form was drying the stem and leaves to use as an herbal tea.

Today, the tea is still popular. People nowadays also enjoy smoking or vaporizing it. If you do not want to grow it yourself, you can also purchase it as a dried herb, extract, or resin substance. Wild Lettuce has also been an effective solution for Migraines, Insomnia, Anxiety, Asthma and Cough.

In addition, there are many other well-known pain relief plants like Arnica, Tea Tree, Feverfew, Peppermint, Aloe Vera, Calendula oil, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm, and CBD products and oils that comes from the Cannabis plant. Plus, there are many essential oils that are very effective painkillers as well.

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Natural Painkiller is Better and Safer Than Any Prescription Drug

This group of natural painkillers are not from plants, but they are still powerful and worthwhile.

Alpha Lipoic Acid an important antioxidant supplement for protecting our health naturally. The anti-inflammatory properties of alpha lipoic acid to protect bone cells and cartilage are impressive. It can also reduce the inflammation related to osteoarthritis. It may benefit patients with arthritis, chronic pain, reduce nerve pain at cellular level, may help protect against damage to knee cartilage caused by osteoarthritis and has helped reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Alpha Lipoic Acid other benefits include the following: it may help maintain bone mass, help protect bones against radiation, reduced blood pressure, help in the treatment of glaucoma, help in liver regeneration, help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics and balancing blood sugar in people without diabetes. It protects from oxidative stress, acts as a protector of the brain or neurons, improves skin texture and wrinkles, extends the capabilities of other vitamin antioxidants, protects from oxidative stress caused by smoking, neutralizes heavy metals, beneficial for weight loss and helps slow the aging process.

Heat and Ice by applying heating pad or cold pack briefly directly to sites of pain can be helpful. Applying an ice pack may help treat issues like swelling, bleeding, inflammation, headaches, lower back pain, strained muscles, tendons, or ligaments.

Bone Broth contain minerals in forms that your body can easily absorb calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, Sulphur and others. They contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, the compounds sold as pricey supplements to reduce inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain.

Epsom Salt is one of many naturally occurring mineral salts, a compound of magnesium and sulfate in rock-like formations. Epson Salt soak is a natural remedy that can help relieve swelling, sprains, bruises, muscle aches, inflammation, and stress. Follow the directions on the product label about how much Epsom salt to use per gallon of water.

Additionally, there other things that will help reduce pain naturally such as Acupuncture, Yoga and Qigong.

Watch this Video for The Antidote For COVID Vaccines: Dr. Bryan Ardis provides a solution for reversing the effects of the COVID vaccine, in latter half of this video. Do This Before It’s Too Late! The snake venom in the Covid vaccines will stay in the body for 10 years if you don’t remove it with these things mentioned in the video. This includes 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide which you can find online or in a local health food store. Additionally, he referred to this book for it: One-Minute Cure. It has also a simple solution for arthritis, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and so on.

Natural Painkillers that Create Natural Pain Relief from Mother Nature

Go for walks in nature is relaxing and healing which helps get rid of headaches and other pains. It also helps to walk on the ground or beach barefoot to get grounded to the earth to release stress, pain, and excess toxic electromagnetic frequencies from electronics (EMF). Plant a garden, be around plants and be in nature will help you overcome pain. Also, consider, having pets they will give you love, joy and healing. Additionally, hug the trees to balance your chakras and clear the aura this will help you to feel better. Go for hikes in the mountains if there are any mountains near you to sense the higher energies there to feel better.

Water is a purifier so take a shower or bath to wash the pain away. Add to the bath one cup of baking soda and one cup of sea salt it will clear the aura, help release toxic energies and toxic EMF from electronics such as cell phones and computers.

Pain is a signal from our body. The body is talking, but are you listening? Start listening more to your body and the pain will go away. Are you in a toxic job or a toxic relationship? Make a list of all the things that give you stress and see if you can eliminate some of them. Do what you are supposed to be doing in this life. We come on this earth for a reason. When we align up with our life’s purpose  tensions, stress and pain melt away.


You might think these are just silly suggestions, right? No, they have worked for me. You see, I had chronic neck pains for over 12 years after a car wreck, and nothing worked it was terrible. Then I started looking into natural resources to find solutions then slowly the pain went away over time and now I am totally pain free for years. I wish you a pain free life too. That said, try these and you might start feeling better too.

Now if you do not want to bather with any these above for now, you can still get your hands on a safe and effective pain reliever… without prescription drugs and without the worry of addiction or death.

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